Our Research

We work toward a more sophisticated understanding of the experiences, issue preferences, and political identities of Latino and Hispanic voters.

Dedicated to being a
source of truth on Latino voters.

Equis continues to set a high bar for research, polling, and analysis as well as digital testing and experimentation. We commission both qualitative and quantitative research that provides indispensable best practices on how to reach Latinos by understanding what values they hold, what motivates them, and what challenges they face.

We work collaboratively with a vast network of pollsters, public opinion and data/research firms, employing both traditional and innovative research methods, to bridge the disconnect between organizations and the Hispanic community, particularly, those neglected by traditional politics and campaigns in society.

Our research seeks to anticipate challenges and develop opportunities to change Latino voting behavior, while also expanding upon best practices in studying the Latine electorate. We go beyond traditional Hispanic voter destinations such as Texas and Florida to examine the experiences and preferences of our communities across the US.

Explore Our Research Repository

Our Research Repository includes publicly available work meant to help shape a more sophisticated understanding of the experiences, issue preferences, and political identities of Latino and Hispanic voters.


Highlighting how Latinos think about various topics.

Election Analysis

Analyzing Latino voters in past and current cycles to understand their political views and behavior.


Improving the targeting of Latinos through better data, modeling and segmentation, so that more Latinos are visible to campaigns and receive relevant communication.


Understanding the role of language in effective communication– both in Spanish and in English.


Identifying and socializing the values, language, and tactics for best reaching and resonating with Latino audiences, particularly those that have been most neglected by campaigns and advocates.

Equis Latino Playbook

Equis is proud to present our Latino Playbook – a foundational guide for Latino messaging and media. The Playbook is a collection of Latino-specific research, insights, and best practices, completed in advance of the 2024 presidential election. We made this guide with practitioners in mind - those leading strategy and execution of Latino paid media and voter contact programs. Here, you will find best practices for persuading and mobilizing Latino audiences, particularly those that have been most neglected by campaigns in the past. The Playbook is meant to be a resource that you can consult for years to come.

Stay in the loop with Equis

Equis is a set of organizations working to create a better understanding of Latinos, innovate new approaches to reach and engage them, and invest in the leadership and infrastructure for long-term change and increased engagement.

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