Moving the Needle on Uncertainty: The Role of Trusted Messengers in Countering Disinformation

Much has been said about the role of “trusted messengers” in countering false and misleading claims and narratives, but less is known about which messengers are actually most effective at moving the needle on countering disinformation and misinformation online.
To shed light on the efficacy of three messenger personas in shaping reactions to false narratives, Equis conducted a panel test of 5,516 Latino adults in the United States in partnership with Civis Analytics. The test built on takeaways from Equis’s Misinformation Poll that found high levels of uncertainty among Latinos regarding misinformation narratives online (respondents were not so much likely to believe false narratives as be unable to say confidently whether they were true or false.) This messenger test thus sought to reduce uncertainty and move people toward certainty that false narratives are false.
For this test, Equis produced six videos, each featuring the same messenger — Camilo — as a Journalist, as an Activist, or as himself with no added title or credentials, in both English and Spanish.
The false claim around which we created the counter-messaging in the videos was: “Kamala Harris refused to be sworn in on the Bible.” We chose this false narrative — with which Latinos in our Equis Misinformation Poll weren’t especially familiar and, regardless, weren’t on the whole willing to dismiss as false — to best gauge if we could move those that were unsure toward certainty. The six videos featured the actor communicating the same explainer message written as an informative, “did you know” statement. The message was framed as follows:
In defining the most successful messenger, Equis considered the messenger’s effectiveness in achieving three outcomes:
All three messengers — the Journalist, the Activist, and Camilo as himself — were effective, at a 95% confidence interval, in significantly reducing uncertainty about the original false claim.
Panel respondents were randomly assigned to watch one of the six videos or a control video, regardless of language preference. All were asked a set of questions before and after watching one of the videos to determine whether they had been exposed to the Kamala Harris false narrative prior to taking the test and whether they believed the false narrative before and after.
The Journalist in English, the Activist in English, and Camilo in English reduced uncertainty by 25% or more across the board. All three messengers in English also increased the margin of those who went from uncertain to “extremely” or “pretty sure” the false narrative was false by over 22%.
This messenger achieved all three of the criteria for success: he reduced uncertainty, most effectively moved people from “uncertain in what to believe” to being “extremely sure” or “pretty sure” the false narrative was false, and most capably reduced belief — by 4% — that the original false narrative was true.
Breakdowns of percent changes in uncertainty and belief are below.
Note: This chart depicts total percent changes in uncertainty and belief.
Note: This Sankey chart shows the messenger’s effectiveness at moving people from where they were before watching the videos (on the left) to where they were after watching the videos (on the right).
The Journalist messengers in both English and Spanish reduced uncertainty by between 22% and 23%, and moved the “uncertain” toward believing the narrative was false at nearly equal rates of 22%.
The English-language Journalist reduced uncertainty and increased certainty the original false claim was false with respondents of all political affiliations, yet this messenger was most effective with Democrats.
The English-language Journalist moved Democrat-identifying respondents down on uncertainty and up on belief at far higher rates than Republican-identifying respondents.
Around 66 percent of Democrats found the English-language Journalist likable, whereas only 40% of Republicans did. Notably, when it came to the question of trustworthiness, around 60% of Democrats found the messenger trustworthy, against only 23% of Republicans.
Despite the sizable difference between rates of trust and likability reported by Democrats and Republicans, the key takeaway here is that the English-language Journalist was still effective at moving all sides down on the “uncertainty” scale and up on the “certain it was false” scale.
Uncertainty at the Baseline
In conducting this test, Equis measured baseline uncertainty by language subgroups and age. Baseline uncertainty is the extent to which respondents were unsure about the veracity of the false narrative before watching our videos.
The percentage of panel respondents who came into this test uncertain was consistent regardless of languages spoken at home. Contrary to popular assumptions, it was not the case that the Spanish-dominant respondents were more or less uncertain or believing about the veracity of the original false claim.
The group reporting the most uncertainty about the veracity of the original false narrative was Latinos between the ages of 18–34. Around 80% of respondents in this age bracket reported being unsure whether the narrative was true or false, while 9.9% reported being “extremely” or “pretty sure” it was false and 9.7% reported being “extremely” or “pretty sure” it was true.
It was the eldest group of respondents who were the most likely to report being certain that the original false narrative was false. Around 55% of respondents aged 65 or older reported being unsure whether the false narrative was false, whereas over 35% reported being “extremely” or “pretty sure” it was false and 8.9% reported being “extremely” or “pretty sure” it was true.
Though there is much more to explore when it comes to trusted messengers and disinformation, this test’s findings can serve to complement Latino-serving grassroots organizations’ existing strategies for countering disinformation. In particular, these findings suggest organizations would benefit from:
The findings of this trusted messenger test are only the beginning of what is out there to understand about trusted messengers’ roles in countering disinformation.
It is important to recognize that this test’s findings are centered around one particular claim, and that further testing is needed to increase our understanding of how these messengers may influence uncertainty and belief about other claims and narratives.
Looking to the future, Equis recommends not only replicating this test with other narratives, but also testing known messengers, including Latino and non-Latino journalists with recognizable names, as well as different types of messengers at the national and local levels overall.
For more up-to-date findings on misinformation and disinformation, please follow the Digital Democracy Institute of the Americas (DDIA), a non-profit, non-partisan organization that connects insights and actors from across the Americas to shape a more participatory, inclusive, and resilient digital democracy for Latinos.
We work toward a more sophisticated understanding of the experiences, issue preferences, and political identities of Latino and Hispanic voters.
Equis is a set of organizations working to create a better understanding of Latinos, innovate new approaches to reach and engage them, and invest in the leadership and infrastructure for long-term change and increased engagement.