We Believe in a World Where

Latinos are Powerful and Influential

In 2020,

There were 32.3 million eligible Hispanic and Latino Voters.

Latinos are the nation’s largest racial or ethnic minority eligible to vote in a US presidential election and the second-fastest growing minority group.

But only half of Latino voters cast a ballot.

And by 2060, it is estimated that there will be 56 million new Latino Voters.

That’s 88 Million total eligible Latino voters.

88 M

Latinos are, and will continue to be,
the x factor in American politics, culture and society.

88 M

Featured Research

The Equis Research Repository is a comprehensive library of our research, polling, analysis and data. 

Blog title heading will go here

June 14th, 2023
Full name
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Equis’ Latino Playbook: Main Character Energy

March 15, 2024
At Equis we are frequently asked how Latino audiences respond to an increasing variety of media and cultural content — outside of news — and whether the shows people watch or music they listen to might reveal important insights for better capturing Latino attention. Equis Institute, in collaboration with Harmony Labs, has created a segmentation that gives ad makers, creators, and storytellers the power to understand the diverse demography and behaviors of Latinos in the US as well as the characters, values, and stories to which different clusters of Latinos gravitate.

YouTube Testing Experiment: Reaching Latinos on YouTube

January 31, 2024
Equis conducted research in partnership with at Somos Votantes and Priorities USA on effectively reaching and communicating with Latinos on YouTube.

Understanding How to Message to English-Dominant Latino Voters

January 1, 2024
Equis conducted research in partnership with A/B Partners and Senate Majority PAC. This research tackled the challenges in reaching and persuading Latinos voters who predominantly speak English and consume English-language media.

Equis’ Latino Playbook: Media Consumption Report

December 2, 2023
For this project, our team combined data from 19 Equis State Series surveys (a mix of live-dial, text-to-web, and online panel interviews) and one online panel test from late 2021 and 2022 to look at overall news consumption trends for registered Latino voters across the country.

2024 Immigration Messaging

December 1, 2023
We tested multiple positive, contrast, and negative immigration messages with Blue Rose Research to see which was best at shifting Biden vote choice. These messages were tested in English only. The test ran from March 28 to April 5 in AZ, CO, FL, GA, MI, NV, NM, NC, OH, PA, TX, and WI. We collected a total of 17,098 survey responses, with over 60% of responses coming from Latinos.

Mobilizing Latinos with Digital Ads

December 1, 2023
In the 2022 midterms, we partnered with Priorities on a field experiment designed to answer two questions: What is the impact of persuasion messaging on turnout? More broadly, what is the impact of digital advertising on Latino voters? To answer these questions, we worked with the digital experts at Priorities to design and execute a series of experiments - two panel tests and an in-field randomized controlled trial (RCT). The panel test results were used to inform the creative strategy for the field program.

Equis Moonshots reimagine how we engage and build power for the Latino community

Moonshots are a series of audacious, large-scale, long-term infrastructure and power-building initiatives spanning democracy, media, culture and talent. 

We bring bold, out-of-the-box solutions to help us close the gaps that block the Latino community’s ability to fully and actively participate in culture, politics, and society.

Equis is a set of organizations.

We are working to create a better understanding of Latinos, innovate new approaches to reach and engage them, and invest in the leadership and infrastructure for long-term change and increased engagement.

Equis Research
Equis Research

Equis Research 

Equis Research 

At Equis Research, we are helping to move past the idea of the Latino community as a monolith, and toward a more sophisticated understanding of the experiences, issue preferences, and political identities of Latino and Hispanic voters.

Equis Labs

EquisLabs 501(c)(4


EquisLabs 501(c)(4


EquisLabs is a 501(c)(4

) social welfare organization advancing ideas, and cultivating deeper engagement and leadership-development that has the potential to massively increase Latino civic participation and build long-term political power.

Equis Institute

Equis Institute 501(c)(3


Equis Institute 501(c)(3


Equis Institute is a 501(c)(3

)charitable non-partisan organization serving as a hub for leaders in the Latino community and fostering the necessary infrastructure needed to massively increase civic participation in all facets of American democracy and culture.

Stay in the loop with Equis

Equis is a set of organizations working to create a better understanding of Latinos, innovate new approaches to reach and engage them, and invest in the leadership and infrastructure for long-term change and increased engagement.

For press inquiries please reach out to press@equislabs.us.

For funder inquiries please reach out to development@equislabs.us.

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