Equis’ Latino Playbook: Latino Winning Jobs Narrative MaxDiff Polling

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October 31, 2023
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In October 2023, Equis Labs partnered with Somos Votantes and Data for Progress on a MaxDiff messaging poll to better understand the best application of the Winning Jobs Narrative framework with Latino voters, in both English and Spanish. 

The Winning Jobs Narrative Project is a working people-centered narrative architecture for talking about jobs, work, and the economy that resonates across race, geography, and issues. The Winning Jobs recommendations include centering working people as heroes in the story, connecting on deeply shared values, situating working people as engines of the economy, and positioning government in a supporting (not starring) role so that we center voters’ personal agency. 

The MaxDiff results revealed two major takeaways:

  1. The Winning Jobs Narrative framework continues to be effective with Latino and non-Latino audiences, in both English and Spanish.
  2. Inclusive language is best for persuading Latino voters. Message frames that were directed at “working people, including Latinos” consistently outperformed message frames directed exclusively at Latino voters.

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We work toward a more sophisticated understanding of the experiences, issue preferences, and political identities of Latino and Hispanic voters.

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June 14th, 2023
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Stay in the loop with Equis

Equis is a set of organizations working to create a better understanding of Latinos, innovate new approaches to reach and engage them, and invest in the leadership and infrastructure for long-term change and increased engagement.

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